The Accident Lawyers Network Blog
Accident Lawyers Network
Monday, June 29, 2009
Nine People Killed and 76 Injured in Washington, D.C. Metro Train Accident
It’s been a week since a commuter train in Washington, D.C. collided into the back of another parked train on the Metro line. The train accident left nine families suffering from the wrongful deaths of their loved ones and 76 other people suffered injuries from the train accident.
The Washington, D.C. train accident happed on the Metro system’s red line, which is the busiest line in Washington, D.C. due to running the length of the Maryland border. According to reports, one train stopped short on the tracks when it was smashed from behind by another train. It is still unclear why the second train could not stop, but authorities are looking at computer malfunctions and not the train operator’s actions.
Nearby witnesses say that the train accident was so loud and severe it sounded like thunder. Passengers on the train were thrown against other seats, people, windows, and walls giving them serious injuries. Investigators are already saying that the train accident is the worst in Washington, D.C.’s history.
Metro accidents such as this are very complex events because there are numerous victims and people who could be held responsible for the injuries. If you or one of your family members has been injured in a train accident, please contact an experienced train accident attorney near you to find out if you can recover compensation for your injuries.
posted by Evan Langsted at 2:23 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009
Two People Die in Vehicle Accident in Hawaii
A three-vehicle auto accident occurred in Kauai, Hawaii last week leaving two dead and one injured. The police report states that the commercial truck accident was caused by a motorcycle accident.
Apparently, the driver of the motorcycle lost control, and fell off his motorcycle. The motorcycle, which was lying in the middle of the roadway, caused the driver of the commercial truck to swerve, hitting a passenger car next to it, and pushing both vehicles into a ditch on the side of the road.
The large truck then flipped over onto its roof, killing the driver instantly. The driver of the passenger car also died. There is no word as to what caused the motorcycle accident to occur in the first place, setting the chain of events into motion.
This complicated form of traffic accident with multiple injuries and wrongful deaths is a clear example of why an experienced auto accident attorney is essential. In this case, there may be a few possible parties who could responsible for the accident. In addition to this, there are different insurance companies involved who could deny coverage or compensation.
If you have been involved in an auto accident caused by another party’s negligence, you could recover compensation. To learn more about your potential auto accident lawsuit, please contact an experienced auto accident attorney near your to schedule an initial case evaluation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 3:23 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Rollover Accident Leaves One Texas Man Dead
The witnesses of a truck rollover accident say that the victim of a rollover accident in Texas could have been saved if he was driving his truck appropriately. Witnesses believe that the 30-year-old man was racing his pickup truck against another down the highway when he lost control of the vehicle and it rolled over.
When witnesses of the accident came upon the wrecked vehicle, the other pickup truck driver was already at the scene of the accident. The driver told them no one was inside the truck and then sped off. Witnesses didn’t believe the man and went to the truck to find the victim severely injured.
Although witnesses attempted to get the rollover accident victim help in time, he died while waiting for paramedics. Witnesses also think that the two trucks were racing or doing something else illegal, which cased the rollover accident.
Many people choose to purchase SUVs and pickup trucks because of their large engines and cargo capacity, but the vehicles can be unsafe. Trucks and SUVs are more prone to rollovers than passenger cars, and people can suffer very serious injuries or wrongful death when they lose control of the vehicles.
If you have been injured after a truck or SUV rollover accident, you may be able to recover compensation. Please contact one of the experienced personal injury attorneys in your area to schedule a case evaluation and find out if someone is responsible for your injuries.
posted by Evan Langsted at 3:21 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Industrial Accident in Lakeville, Minnesota Kills One
A 49-year-old Minnesota man has died from operating industrial equipment on June 21, 2009. The victim was working at a local Stone and Soil company when he fell into an auger and was killed instantly.
The police report states that the man was working on feeding mulch into a hopper for the auger when the auger became jammed. While investigating the clogged auger, the man fell into the machine. At the moment it is unknown whether or not it was the auger or an unsafe workplace caused the death
Workplace accidents occur all the time and they don’t always result in such tragedies. For many accident victims, traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and other injuries can lead to huge medical bills and even loss of work.
When you are injured while at work, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. This can help you pay for medical bills and cover any wages lost while you recover.
If your workplace is denying you’re the money you need after being injured at work, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against them to gain the compensation you need. For families who have lost a loved one from a workplace accident, a wrongful death lawsuit can help cover medical and funeral costs.
Please contact an experienced personal injury attorney in your area today to find out if you can gain the compensation you need.
posted by Evan Langsted at 3:14 PM

Friday, June 19, 2009
Dump Truck Driver Loses Control and Hits Multiple Vehicles
A Massachusetts dump truck driver lost control of the commercial truck he was driving at on June 13. The driver was a 74-year-old man who is also the owner of the dump truck.
The police report says that the older driver of the dump truck was driving through Cohasset, Massachusetts when he lost control of the dump truck. The man then went onto the sidewalk and hit a large trash container before swerving into oncoming traffic and colliding with an SUV and three parked cars.
At the moment, the truck accident is under investigation by the Cohasset Police. The police are looking into possible mechanical failures that could have caused the accident; no citations have been issued until the police know how the accident happened. In order to help them find out what exactly happened, an accident reconstruction specialist was brought in to help them find the cause of the accident and determine how so much property was damaged.
In a very lucky aspect of the truck accident, no pedestrians were injured when the truck went onto the sidewalk and then smashed the parked cars. The driver of SUV was also uninjured after the truck accident.
Truck accidents can cause incredibly serious car and bodily damage. If you or your loved one has been injured by a truck accident, please contact an experienced truck accident attorney to schedule an initial case evaluation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 7:28 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Teen Slips and Dies in Freak Kentucky Lake Accident
While on a family trip to Lake Cumberland, a 17-year-old high school slipped, hit his head on a dock, and then fell under water. The slip and fall accident gave the boy such a severe hit to the head that we was unconscious when he went underwater, drowning before his family or witnesses could save him.
According to the surviving family, the boy took a small aluminum boat to get ice for the rest of the family. After returning with the ice, he went to a nearby slip. While exiting the boat, he slipped, hitting his head on a concrete portion of the dock, knocking him unconscious. He then sank in the lake.
Although his father jumped into the water to save him, the water was too deep, and the boy fell to the bottom of the lake, more than thirty feet below the surface. Rescuers later recovered his body.
At the moment, it is unclear if the dock was defective or if anyone beside the boy is at fault for the accident, but if the family were to pursue a slip and fall claim, they should obtain a personal injury attorney.
Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common ways people injure themselves in the United States. Slip and fall accidents can occur because of dangerous property, construction defects, or even wet surfaces that are unmarked.
If you or your loved one has suffered injuries from a slip and fall accident, please contact an experienced slip and fall attorney as soon as possible to schedule a free case evaluation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 7:20 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Florida Street Racers Kill Pedestrian in Hit and Run
A car full of street racers in Florida hit a pedestrian, killing the 18-year-old. The police say that a large group of street racing enthusiasts were crowding around waiting for a race early in the morning on June 15. When the police arrived on the scene, large groups of street racers began to flee the scene.
Witnesses say that one car, filled with four men hit the victim, causing his body fly and slide 70 feet before coming to a stop. After killing the pedestrian, the car fled the scene. The car that was involved in the pedestrian accident was apparently a silver or grey Acura.
Racing high performance cars is something many young men and women take part in, but it is illegal. As a result, when law enforcement officials arrive on the scene of a street race, many of the racers try to flee to avoid fines and tickets. The street racers involved in this pedestrian accident deserve to be held accountable for their illegal actions. In addition to pedestrian accidents, street racing can cause motorcycle accidents, car accidents, and property damage.
If your loved one has been injured as a result of a street racing accident, you may be able to recover compensation for their injuries. Please contact an experienced pedestrian accident attorney to help you get compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and even lost wages.
posted by Evan Langsted at 7:42 AM

Friday, June 12, 2009
Victim of Construction Accident Dies at Walmart
An HVAC construction worker died in a construction accident at a Kansas Walmart on June 4, 2009. According to the accident report, the man fell off a ladder and hit the concrete floor with his head. No one saw the actual construction accident occur, but the man was found bleeding from the head on the floor.
The HVAC worker was working for a subcontractor for the Walmart and was applying sealant to the ceiling of the building when he fell from the ladder. As soon as coworkers found the man on the floor they rushed him to the hospital, but it was too late, and the man pronounced dead upon arrival.
The hospital staff reported to authorities that the man died from severe brain injuries after the fall off the ladder. In situations like this, a construction accident attorney is essential. As more evidence is discovered, the family may find out that another party is liable for the wrongful death of their loved one.
With an experienced wrongful death attorney, you can recover compensation for your loved ones death, medical bills, and even lost wages. Please contact an experienced wrongful death attorney in your area today to schedule your initial consultation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 8:44 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hawaii Pedestrian Killed after Bus Accident
In the early morning on June 8, 2009 a Honolulu, Hawaii woman died after being involved in a school bus accident. The woman was crossing the street when the school bus hit her and killed her at the scene.
Police have not said if children were on the bus at the time of the pedestrian accident, but the intersection had to be closed to thru traffic. The bus driver is in his 30s, and there is no information about his past driving experience.
Pedestrian accidents involving a wrongful death like this involve many different parties and can be very difficult to handle without an experienced pedestrian accident attorney. Your pedestrian accident attorney will work with insurance companies, hospitals and authorities to determine who is at fault for the accident.
With accidents like this, the bus driver, school that hired the bus driver, or the bus mechanic could be at fault for the pedestrian accident. With a pedestrian accident lawsuit, you can recover compensation for injuries you or a loved one has suffered.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident, please contact an experienced accident attorney today to schedule an initial consultation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 8:43 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Jeff Hanson Found Dead In St. Paul, Minnesota
Jeff Hanson, singer and songwriter, was found dead in his home on June 5, 2009 in St. Paul, Minnesota. The musician was 31 years old. Family members say that Jeff has never had any problems with substance abuse, so the idea of a drug overdose is essentially out of the question. At the moment, the family and authorities believe that Hanson suffered a serious injury from some sort of home accident. According to reports from the family, Hanson was preparing to have his mother and father over to see his new home. When the family arrived, the rising singer was found dead. Jeff Hanson’s sister believes he died from a fall in the concrete-floored apartment. Some of the most common accidents that injure people at home include slip and fall accidents and dangerous product accidents. Many people don’t realize how drastic slip and fall and other home accidents can be. Although in this case, the result of the slip and fall was death, other slip and fall injuries can include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and neck injuries. If you or a loved one has been involved in a slip and fall accident at a business or someone’s home, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries. Please contact an experienced slip and fall attorney near you to find out if you have a valid slip and fall lawsuit.
posted by Evan Langsted at 3:06 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009
Pennsylvania Pedestrian Accident Send Two to the Hospital
Early this week, a Western Pennsylvania woman was across the street with her two children when a motorcycle struck her. The motorcycle accident caused the woman and the motorcyclist to suffer serious injuries. They were both taken to the hospital
Police in the area are still investigating the motorcycle/pedestrian accident to determine the cause of the collision. At the moment, the individual with the most severe injuries is the motorcycle rider who is fighting for their life. There is no word yet on whether or not the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident or not.
Motorcycle accidents are often very serious for several reasons:
• Lack of Safety Devices – Motorcycles don’t have the protective frame or airbags that cars have, leaving riders exposed to outside forces and injuries.
• Higher Speeds – Motorcycle riders often ride faster than cars, giving them less time to react to road conditions and hazards. This may be the case in this motorcycle accident.
• Lack of Experience – As soon as riders learn how to drive a motorcycle, they often purchase bigger, faster, heavier bikes that are above their experience level.
In most situations where a pedestrian is injured in a car accident, bus accident, or motorcycle accident, the fault is that of the driver of the vehicle. Sometimes, however, pedestrians can be at fault if they jump into traffic.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a pedestrian accident, either driving a vehicle or getting hit by a vehicle, compensation for injuries may be recovered. To learn more about pedestrian accident, please contact an experienced pedestrian accident attorney in your area to schedule an initial consultation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 8:20 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Post Offices Ask Local Residents to Help Prevent Dog Bites
It’s a common joke on television and in movies that dogs don’t like letter carriers, but the sad fact is dog bites injure thousands of post office employees every year. Post offices all over the country are requesting aid from dog owners so that letter carriers are not injured as much this year.
The most recent dog bite statistics show that 3,100 letter carriers from the post office were bitten in 2008. These bites were serious enough to report them to the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration to receive workers’ compensation. With that in mind, there are probably thousands of other incidents all over the country that go unnoticed.
These dog bite statistics show that on average, letter carriers are bitten about ten times per day across the nation. That is just one occupation; in the United States, over 4.5 million people suffer dog bites every year. Around 33 people are killed every year in ferocious dog bite attacks. Texas is the state with the highest number of dog bite wrongful deaths. In 2007, seven people died from dog bites.
Dog bites occur because dogs are protective in nature and when they are surprised or feel like their owners are in danger, they attack. Postal carriers request that families keep their dogs restrained when the mail is delivered and that children do not collect mail in the presence of the family dog because dogs can be more protective of them.
If a dog has attacked you or your loved one, or if your family member has been killed in a vicious dog attack, you may be able to recover compensation for injuries suffered. Please contact an experienced dog bite attorney in your area today to schedule an initial consultation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 8:18 AM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New Hampshire Motorcyclist Collides with State Trooper Police Car
A New Hampshire motorcyclist ran into the police car of a state trooper IN New Hampshire seriously injuring the rider. According to witness and police reports, the state trooper was making a U-turn to attend to a broken down car when the motorcycle accident happened.
The man driving the Yamaha motorcycle was in the middle of holiday weekend traffic, heading home. The state trooper was apparently attempting to make a U-turn in the middle of the road to work with some other drivers when the man collided with the police car.
The motorcycle rider hit the driver-side rear quarter panel of the police car and then tumbled down the road after the collision. The man had suffered serious injuries to his abdomen and was flown to a Maine hospital to be treated. At this time, police are still investigating the accident to find out who was at fault and what exactly happened.
This type of motorcycle accident shows that police officers and state troopers are not exempt from being involved in, or even causing, motorcycle accident and car accidents. While on the road, police are held to the same rules, if not more strict rules, as other drivers. However, motorcyclists need to remember that they are harder to see due to the size of their motorcycles. Don’t assume you will be seen by everyone on the road.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to recover compensation for injuries suffered. Please contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney today to schedule an initial consultation.
posted by Evan Langsted at 3:54 PM

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