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The Accident Lawyers Network Blog

Accident Lawyers Network

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Yes, Texting Drivers Are a Real Threat

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that distraction is a factor in nearly all car accidents in the United States. Topping the list of distractions is texting and other cellphone use, prompting many states to ban the practice outright. However, a recent study published by the American Economic Association has found bans on texting are ineffective in the long run.
Perhaps texting bans are ineffective because, as the authors of the study suggest, police simply don’t enforce the law. However, it is sheer ignorance to believe that a lack of enforcement means there is no risk associated with texting while driving.
Danger to Self and Others
If data and crash statistics are not effective at convincing people texting while driving is dangerous, perhaps anecdotal evidence will be. Take, for example, the case of a 23-year-old man whose erratic driving was caught by the dashboard cam mounted on a police officer’s cruiser. The man can be seen swerving into the left lane before his vehicle hits a pole and rolls over. He was not intoxicated. He was not experiencing a medical event. He was texting.
There are hundreds of events like this occurring every week, though not everyone is able to walk away like this young man. If you or a loved one is injured by a texting driver, you need an aggressive car accident lawyer on your side to take your case and fight for your rights, helping ensure you are awarded every penny you are due.
For more information about your rights following injury in a car accident, please contact an experienced attorney in your area today.

posted by Neil at 6:33 AM

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