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The Accident Lawyers Network BlogAccident Lawyers NetworkTuesday, December 30, 2008Car Crashes into Home Injuring Sleeping ManAn 82-year-old Fresno, California man is in critical condition after a speeding car crashed into his bedroom as he was sleeping. A Clovis police officer spotted a VW Jetta being driven by a 22-year-old man who ran a red light. The officer alerted other officers who then pulled over the Jetta. When they approached the car, the driver then drove off at high speed. Officers chased the suspect, but then backed off hoping he would reduce speed. However, the driver continued to speed through stop signs and then lost control. The Jetta then crashed into the home and hit the occupant. The driver then jumped out of the vehicle and was caught a short distance from the accident. Police say the driver's blood alcohol content registered at .15. He was booked and faces charges of felony evading, felony hit and run, and felony DUI with injuries. The injured man was taken to the hospital with serious internal head injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured after being struck by a vehicle, please contact an experienced injury lawyer in your area. posted by Neil at 1:37 PM
Monday, December 29, 2008Hit-and-Run Driver Kills Man in WheelchairA man who recently got out of the hospital was struck and killed by a pickup in Dania Beach, Florida Sunday night half a block from his home. The Broward Sheriff's Office says the driver then left the scene of the accident. One of the man's neighbors heard the accident and rushed out to see the wheelchair-bound main laying in the road. He said the man was a diabetic who recently had his toes amputated. The dead man's wife was taken to the hospital after collapsing when she heard the news. Police are searching for an extended cab pickup truck that is possibly burgundy with tinted windows. If you have been injured or a lost a loved one after being struck by a vehicle, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area for an initial consultation. posted by Neil at 8:42 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008New Technology Adds to Motorcycle SafetyMany motorcycle riders are injured and killed when vehicles pull out in front of them. Now, in an effort to help prevent these types of motorcycle accidents, Honda had begun installing a dedicated short-range wireless communications system on its Goldwing touring motorcycles in Europe. This system will alert a rider by causing a light to flash at the base of the Goldwing's windshield which will alert of a car. The car must be equipped with a connected and compatible device, such as a GPS navigator, cell phone or another type of factory installed system. Consumer Reports says that the US is not ready for this type of system due to the lack of a complete connected infrastructure. While several companies are working on correcting this, Honda has yet to install this system on any Stateside Goldwings. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: motorcycle accidents posted by Neil at 12:05 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008Push for Banning Cellphones while Driving Underway in ColoradoAfter a Fort Collins, Colorado nine-year-old girl was hit and killed by an SUV when the driver was distracted by their cellphone, and a Colorado State University researcher was hit by a pickup days after this, Colorado lawmakers are looking again at ways to ban cellphone use in vehicles. Researchers have written again and again about the dangers of cellphone use while driving, and now they can point to these events, as well as the December 11 semi crash in northern Colorado as further proof. State legislators, such as Democrat John Kefalas, would like to see Colorado follow the example of New York and California who limit cellphone use in vehicles to hands-free devices. Texting would also be banned if Kefalas and others have their way. Fort Collins is also considering banning employees from cellphone use while on city business. Emergency personnel would be exempt from this ban. A previous attempt at this type of ban failed in Colorado, but legislators think they have a better chance of passing it after the death of the young girl. The driver who hit her faces a year in prison, and a $1000 fine. A leading Republican in the state legislature, Sen. Greg Brophy, doesn't believe that singling out cellphones and texting makes any sense. Research may be against him this time. If you have been injured or lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of a driver talking on a cellphone, please contact an experienced injury lawyer in your area. Labels: pedestrian posted by Neil at 8:04 AM
Friday, December 19, 2008Highway Cable Fencing Saves Lives in MinnesotaA somewhat novel idea in Minnesota is saving lives by keeping cars from crossing the median during accidents. A little over 15 miles of cable fencing has been strung up on highways around the Twin Cities area this year. The state has been installing the cable fencing since 2004, and covers a total of 116 miles of highway and road medians. Minnesota plans to add another 50 miles next year. The role of the cable fencing is simple: When a vehicle loses control and leaves the highway, the 42-inch-tall fencing keeps the vehicle from crossing the median or flying off the highway. It slows a vehicle enough so that the driver can walk away. The fencing is strung along steel posts that are designed to snap off at the base and slide into a sleeve. They are easily replaced after an accident, and highway workers replace them as quickly as possible. The cables are safer than concrete medians that can total vehicles and injure the passengers. One pickup truck driver who hit a patch of black ice at 50 miles per hour says that when she hit the cable it bounced her back onto the highway. She was able to stop and pull over. While the truck was damaged, it was minor compared to what a concrete median would have done. The sections of highway where the fencing is placed have seen fatalities caused by vehicle accidents drop nearly to zero. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: auto accidents, truck accidents, vehicle safety posted by Neil at 8:28 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008School Bus Overturns Injuring StudentsAn icy patch on a rural road in Indiana is being blamed for an accident involving a car and a school bus packed full of junior high and high school students on Wednesday morning. According to students on the bus, a car slid into the path of the school bus, and the vehicles hit head on. The bus then rolled onto its side. One of the students on the bus said that several students were injured. One was bleeding badly and one appeared to have a broken arm. The student who told the Herald Bulletin newspaper this also said he was being taken to the hospital because of pain in his legs. It's unknown how many students were injured, but there were 50 on the bus at the time of the accident. On a somewhat related note, the school district had delayed classes two hours because of the icy roads. If you have a student who has been injured in an auto accident or bus accident, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: auto accidents, bus accidents posted by Neil at 9:01 AM
Monday, December 15, 2008Connecticut Lays Out Teen Safe Driving ContractsIt's common knowledge that teenagers have a greater chance of becoming involved in an auto accident than any other age group, except the very old. Most of this has to do with experience. What drivers are aware of after they've driven several hundreds of miles over a long period of time is news to teenagers. However, there are certain things teens do simply because they're teens. While speaking on a cell phone and speeding are not limited to teens, their lack of experience makes it more likely there will be a bad outcome. It is for this reason that the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles is introducing a safe driving contract that parents and their teens will sign. It contains a series of agreements, such as no cell phone use, no speeding, and no loud music while driving. It also lays out consequences if these agreements are broken. The ultimate reason for this is to lower the number of auto accidents involving teen drivers and their passengers. DMV Commissioner Robert Ward says teen drivers are three to four times more likely to be involved in an accident than are more experienced drivers. While tougher driving laws for teens went into effect earlier this year, the driving contracts are simply a way for parents to speak to their teenagers about some of these issues. Ward also states that they would like to hear from teen drivers about making suggestions for driver safety because teens would rather hear from their peers and not someone like their parents or their parents' age. For those not in Connecticut, the contract can be found on the Allstate website. If you have been involved in an auto accident with a teenager, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: other posted by Neil at 3:26 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008Cellphone Use Blamed for Truck AccidentA truck driver "distracted" by his cellphone lost control of his rig and ran off the road north of Denver, Colorado this past Wednesday. The semi-truck was hauling a double-trailer with the rear trailer empty and the lead trailer carrying assorted items including low-level radiation medical supplies. While the 42-year-old driver was not injured, the accident wrapped the rig around a sign pole on I-76 and spilled the hauled load all over the highway. Debris from the accident hit an SUV another semi-truck and a sedan. The accident occurred during the rush hour commute and closed the highway down to two lanes for hours. Because of the medical supplies, the Colorado State Patrol called in the haz-mat team. While the accident is still under investigation, authorities say it could have been a lot worse. No one was killed, but it once again adds to the evidence that cellphones and driving are not a good combination. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, please contact an experienced truck accident attorney in your area. Labels: truck accidents posted by Neil at 8:33 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008Traffic Accidents Number One Cause of Fatal Injuries in ChildrenAccording to a report detailed by National Public Radio, the number one cause of accidental death of children worldwide is traffic accidents. While almost one million children are killed every year in various kinds of accidents, traffic accidents kill almost 830,000. According to Dr. Etienne Krug, director of the Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention at the World Health Organization, "It is like wiping out the entire child and adolescent population of Chicago every year." These fatalities are mostly found in developing countries, especially in Africa, where road traffic education is still in its infancy. A new road being built in a village may be a good thing for the community as a whole, but the villagers may not understand the dangers that come with motorized traffic on that road. In Asia, Dr. Krug notes the main danger is two-wheeled traffic, such as motorcycles. He says it is not uncommon to see as many as four or five people on one motorcycle. When there is an accident, there are often severe injuries or fatalities. Even in the US where injury and death is reduced by safety features like seatbelts, child car seats and helmets, traffic accidents remain the main cause of adolescent fatalities. The CDC and WHO recommend that adolescent injury prevention should be included with child health and child survival programs already in place. Other leading causes of death for children include drowning, burns, falls, and poisoning. If your child has been seriously injured or killed as the result of a traffic accident, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: auto accidents, bus accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents posted by Neil at 8:23 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008Street Race Kills Two on MotorcycleWhile the military is currently looking for ways to reduce the number of soldiers killed on motorcycles across the country, an 18-year-old Fort Carson soldier was involved in a street race on Sunday that killed a couple riding a motorcycle. Colorado Springs police say the soldier was driving a Pontiac Grand Prix and racing another vehicle on northbound South Academy Boulevard shortly after 3:00 pm. The Pontiac swerved into the southbound lane and slammed into a Harley Davidson, killing both riders. Neither rider was wearing a helmet. The soldier has been charged with two counts of vehicular homicide and engaging in a speed contest. "Engaging in a speed contest" is defined as racing on a road or highway at high rates of speed, and changing lanes to gain advantage. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident or motorcycle accident, please contact an experienced personal injury attorney in your area. Labels: auto accidents, motorcycle accidents posted by Neil at 9:05 AM
Friday, December 5, 2008Unguarded Rail Crossing Leads to CollisionA 41-year-old woman was killed early Thursday morning when the car she was driving was hit by a freight train at an unguarded crossing in York County, Pennsylvania. Unguarded rail crossings are usually only marked with a sign, and are common in rural parts of the country. Trains sound their horns, have flashing lights, and use bells as they approach the intersection to alert any vehicles. The woman, who had recently moved to York County with her husband, was on her way to her job at the time of the accident. The train was reportedly traveling at less than 50 mph when it hit the driver's side of the woman's vehicle. The car came to rest on its side 50 feet from the intersection. Investigators will be looking at the train's black box to see what information they can glean. If you or a loved one has been involved in a railroad crossing accident, please contact an experienced personal injury lawyer in your area. Labels: train accidents posted by Neil at 8:46 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008Ice Causes Dozens of Accidents in IndianaIcy conditions, the result of cold weather blasting through Indiana, caused literally dozens of auto accidents on Monday. Police reported almost 75 accidents throughout the Wabash Valley that resulted in four deaths. In Vermillion County, icy conditions on State Road 63 resulted in emergency crews responding to 20 separate calls of vehicles sliding off the roads. In Vigo County, a flipped SUV shut down Highway 40 for a short time. Terre Haute police shut down roadways, closed off the overpass, and got sand and ice trucks to help. However, two of the accidents in Terre Haute were deadly. People in many parts of the country need to expect that ice on the roads will be part of their lives for the next several months. The best way to avoid accidents on icy roads is to slow down. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, please contact an experienced auto accident attorney in your area. Labels: auto accidents posted by Neil at 8:28 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008Two Missing After Crab Boat OverturnsCrabbing season began on Monday in Oregon with the news that a 42-foot crab boat capsized last Friday in Tillamook Bay near the north jetty. The Coast Guard reported that the captain of the boat was able to swim to shore. However, two others with him have been missing since the accident and are assumed drowned. The Coast Guard has suspended its search for the two men, though an oil sheen was spotted near the area where the boat broke up. The Coast Guard initially reported that the captain of the boat survived because he was wearing a life jacket. However, they now say that none of the three were wearing life jackets. Apparently the captain just got lucky. Since early 2007, at least 15 people have lost their lives at the bar in Tillamook Bay. If you have lost a loved one in a boating accident, please contact an experienced boating accident attorney in your area. Labels: boating accidents posted by Neil at 8:00 AM
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